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February 24, 2022

His Holiness, Patriarch +FILARET

Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine

c/o His Grace, +LUKE Bishop of Philadelphia, Vicar for the Diocese of Kyiv

820 Hoffman Place 1st Floor

Philadelphia, PA 19123

Your Holiness,

The bishops of the Russian True Orthodox Church-MM, want to take this opportunity to assure you of our prayers and solidarity with you and the people of Ukraine during this horrific time of unprovoked attack by the Russian aggressor.

Evil, which is the only way to describe this situation, can never be tolerated and it is incumbent upon all people of the world to rise up and be of one voice and one mind in its condemnation. To this end we have issued statements regarding this illegal invasion and have called upon the leaders of the church and world to join us in condemning these atrocities.

We pray for your personal safety and well being, together with that of all people in Ukraine. May Our Lord protect you and bring a swift end to this war.United in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, we remain

In Christ,

Metropolitan and First Hierarch, Archbishop of Minneapolis and Chicago

Archbishop of Dallas and Texas

Bishop of Edenborn, Vicar for the Archdiocese of North America & the Diaspora