December 25/January 7, 2005 – Christmas Archpastoral Letter

To the beloved clergy, religious, and faithful of the Russian True Orthodox Church Diocese of North America–mercy, peace and love be yours in ever-greater measure.
Today the magnificence of God is shown to us, once again, as we celebrate the Birth of Our Lord and Savior.  We joyfully sing, “God is with us”, as we call to mind all that has been done for us on this great day.  God enters the world today as one of us.  He is born as a man to save mankind. 
Sadly, we know that the celebration and spirit that accompanies this feast and fills the world at this time of year will soon disappear as quickly as it came.  But the message of this day is one that reaches far beyond the temporary, for God is with us–yesterday, today and forever.  When life throws unexpected obstacles our way, when sorrow and sadness enter our lives, when it seems that darkness has overshadowed the light, we need only remember the light that overcame the darkness of the cave today and be comforted in the knowledge that God will always be with us.
Let us celebrate today and give thanks for the great gift that is ours.  Let us always be mindful that we are never alone, for everywhere we are, and in all that we endure, God is with us.
Bestowing my episcopal blessing upon you, God’s people, I remain
                            Sincerely in Christ,
                            +Bishop Alexy
                            Bishop of Minneapolis & Chicago