Easter Archpastoral Letter - May 5/April 22, 2013

To the beloved clergy, religious, and faithful of the Russian True Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America–mercy, peace and love be yours in ever-greater measure.


As I was reading through the Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom today, I was struck by a truth that he brought to mind so many centuries ago—that in Christ, in the glory of the Resurrection, we are all one

In a world in which we find such division, St. John reminds us that in Christ there is room for everyone.  Whether sinner or saint, rich or poor and regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or anything else that may divide us, the gates that held us bound are today opened and we are all invited to share in the joy of the feast.

Today, Christ has conquered death and every other invention of man that kept us separated from Him and from eternal life.  In Christ we are all equal and all welcome to celebrate the amazing gift that has been given to us through the incomprehensible act of love of Our Risen Lord.

May His love and light fill our hearts with joy today, and may we welcome each other as brothers and sisters in the Resurrection.

With the bestowal of my archiepiscopal upon you, God’s people, I remain

Sincerely in the Risen Christ,