Easter Archpastoral Letter - April 8/March 26, 2007

To the beloved clergy, religious, and faithful of the Russian True Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America–mercy, peace and love be yours in ever-greater measure.


Today we celebrate a great victory.  Not, however, one that is simply in history books for us to read, but one that has consequences for each and every one of us living today.  Christ, the Eternal Lord, took on our fallen human nature so that he could free us from the prison to which we had sentenced ourselves.  Through his death and resurrection he has touched each of our lives personally by allowing us, once again, to enter paradise, from which we had been banished.

            We must now ask ourselves how to properly give thanks for this great gift that is ours.  In seeking an answer we look to the women at the tomb and the disciples who went out afterward and shared their great joy with others.  Sharing our joy with others is the best way in which we can give thanks for this freedom and life that has been given to us.

            In doing so, we need not limit ourselves to proclaiming the Risen Lord in words, but we can also share our joy and give witness to his importance in our lives through our actions.  Let the Resurrection not only be on our lips, but in our deeds.  Being freed from sin and death should enable us to reach out to others who might be struggling and help to guide them safely through.

            Christ, during his earthly life, taught us by example.  His actions were every bit as important as his words.  The same should be true of us.  Let us not only speak of the Resurrection, but let its power radiate within us, so that others can see the goodness of God.  Having endured the struggles of the Great Fast and having purified ourselves during these days, let us live as true reflections of the divine.

            In all that we do, may the light of Christ guide us and may we be a beacon to others on the path to eternal life.

            Bestowing my archiepiscopal blessing upon you, God’s people, I remain