Easter Archpastoral Letter - April 27/14, 2008

To the beloved clergy, religious, and faithful of the Russian True Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America–mercy, peace and love be yours in ever-greater measure.


            When the myrrh-bearing women arrived at the tomb they were, at first, dismayed by what they found.  They expected to find the body of Our Lord.  Instead, they found something far greater.  They learned that He was alive, that He had indeed conquered death, and they rejoiced.

            Like these women, we too often go into situations full of expectations.  We plan in our minds what awaits us down the road.  But we are often surprised or disappointed by what we find.  The expectations that we set are not fulfilled.  That, however, is not always a bad thing, if we remain open to change and open to God.  Our days, our lives may not always turn out the way we expected or hoped.  But if we remain open to new possibilities they can turn out even better than we imagined.

            We must strive to always be open to Christ and to the glorious things that He has in store for us.  Living in Him we can never be disappointed because we will always end up in the place in which we were meant to be.

            In all that we do, may the light of Christ guide us and may we be a beacon to others on the path to eternal life.

            Bestowing my archiepiscopal blessing upon you, God’s people, I remain

Sincerely in the Risen Christ,