Easter Archpastoral Letter - April 23/10, 2006

To the beloved clergy, religious, and faithful of the Russian True Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America–mercy, peace and love be yours in ever-greater measure.


In the Gospel of Luke we read the account of the Myrrh-bearing Women going to the tomb of Christ to anoint him but finding it empty.  The angels they encounter there ask them a particularly poignant question:
“Why do you seek the living among the dead?” (Lk. 24:5)
The angels, of course, proceed to tell them of the Resurrection, which they, in turn, tell to the apostles.

This question of the angels, however, could easily be addressed to us.  We, undoubtedly, know of the Resurrection.  We have learned the truth from our youth and hold no surprise in the events that are recounted.  But we still sometimes tend to look for God or the things of God in the wrong places.  Everyone longs to feel the joy and comfort that the women experienced in learning that the Master was still alive.  It is very much a part of our human nature to want to be happy and loved.  Often, however, our search for these things leads us in the wrong direction.  Those things that give the impression of happiness or temporary comfort draw us to themselves, but sadly, we find that they are only passing.

The season of the Great Fast that we have just journeyed through has afforded us the opportunity to examine our paths and to see if we too have been seeking those things that give life and joy in the wrong places.  It has been a time for us to be visited by the grace of God and to come to the knowledge that He is our only true source of happiness—the very breath of life.  Hopefully, this time has allowed us to appreciate that our lives can never be complete without God.

Today, as we stand before the empty tomb, let us not look for the living among the dead, but confidently proclaim to the world the joyous news that Christ lives and gives life to each of us.  Let us follow the light that radiates from the tomb, and let it guide us to the fulfillment of earthly journey—eternal life in the presence of the never-setting Sun.

Bestowing my archiepiscopal blessing upon you, God’s people, I remain
  Sincerely in the Risen Christ,