Christmas Archpastoral Letter - December 25, 2007/January 7, 2008

To the beloved clergy, religious, and faithful of the Russian True Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America–mercy, peace and love be yours in ever-greater measure.

When a couple is awaiting the birth of a new child they are filled with joy, anxiety, longing and hope. Their world is about to change forever. They will no longer live for themselves, but for this new life with which they have been blessed. Over the course of their lives situations may change, moments of joy and sadness will enter and exit their lives. One thing, however, will never change—the bond that exists between them. There is no event, no situation, no person so strong as to sever this tie that has intimately united them forever.
Today, we experience this miraculous event of birth ourselves. And no matter who we are—married, single, young, old, rich, poor—this event changes our life forever. The birth of Christ reminds us that we are no longer alone in the world. We are intimately united to this Newborn Child who has entered our lives and our bonds can never be broken. We may stray over the years, perhaps even lose touch, but one thing we know is that we this intimate bond can reach past any distance we may have put between us.
The Nativity of Our Lord reminds us that we are forever united in a bond of love with God and with each other. Our world has been changed because of His birth and we must show this in our daily lives. We need to show the world that we are indeed united to Christ. We need to be messengers of the joy and newness of life that His birth has brought to us. We need to show the blessedness that His love has brought into our lives every day.
May the eternal gift of love that is given us today fill your hearts and your homes with good things and may His peace and joy be with you throughout the New Year.
With the bestowal of my Archiepiscopal blessing upon you, God’s people, I remain

Sincerely in Christ,