Archpastoral Letter from Archbishop Alexy For Great Lent - March 7/February 22, 2011

To the beloved clergy, religious, and faithful of the Russian True Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America–mercy, peace and love be yours in ever-greater measure.

Today, we embark upon a journey of renewal.  We leave the past behind and we forge ahead to a new and bright future. For today, we enter into the season of Great Lent.

            Every year the Church affords us this opportunity to look at ourselves and to examine where we have been on the path to salvation and where we would like to be.  As we reflect upon the year that we have had, let us be honest with ourselves and ask if we have been the people that we would like to be – indeed the people we are called to be – or we have fallen short.  If we have veered off the chosen path, then today is the day to start anew.

            Let us use this time of grace wisely. Decide today where you would like to be on your spiritual journey by the end of these forty days and choose the path that will lead you there.  No matter how near or far we are from our goal we all need to take the first step today. 

            As we join each other in prayer and support during this holy time, my wish is that none of us emerges on Pascha the same person we were when we entered.

 With the bestowal of my archiepiscopal blessing upon you, I remain              

Sincerely in Christ,