Archpastoral Letter from Archbishop Alexy For Great Lent - March 18/March 5, 2013

To the beloved clergy, religious, and faithful of the Russian True Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America–mercy, peace and love be yours in ever-greater measure.

Today we take our first steps into the Great Fast.  We do so in a spirit of penance, humility and the desire to change.  There are few among us who can look at the past and say that we were always proud of our actions.  In each of our lives there have been moments in which we have fallen short of the great life to which we have been called.

As we begin our Lenten journey today we are, once again, given the opportunity to look at the person we have been and at the person we would like to be.  If there is a discrepancy between the two then today is the day to take our first steps upon the path that leads us to where we want to be in our lives. 

Without doubt we will all stumble along our chosen path.  We will, from time to time, fall short of our goals.  But if we partner ourselves with the Lord long the way, we will always have a strong arm to help us up and set us back on the path when we fall.

As we journey toward the Resurrection, I pray that your feet will be steady along the path to renewal and that your hearts will remain always open to the unending love that is always yours.

            With the bestowal of my archiepiscopal blessing upon you, I remain

Sincerely in Christ,