Archpastoral Letter from Archbishop Alexy For Great Lent - March 10/February 26, 2008

To the beloved clergy, religious, and faithful of the Russian True Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America–mercy, peace and love be yours in ever-greater measure.

Today we embark upon the path of renewal—the forty-day journey given to us for our salvation.  It is a time to lay aside all those things that have encumbered us during the past year and start anew.

Each year there are many distractions that we face and detours that we take along the path to eternal life. Sometimes we become comfortable on these new roads, but they are not always the best paths for us.  It is not always easy to leave the past behind, but sometimes this is exactly what we must do in order to grow.

Let us firmly resolve to take this opportunity for growth that has been set before us and use it for our benefit.  Let us emerge from the Fast better than we were when we entered.

May the day of Resurrection find us renewed and spiritually refreshed and may the light that has guided us during these days continue to guide us on the road to salvation.

With the bestowal of my archiepiscopal blessing upon you, I remain
Sincerely in Christ,