Archpastoral Letter from Archbishop Alexy For Great Lent — February 19/6, 2007

To the beloved clergy, religious, and faithful of the Russian True Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America–mercy, peace and love be yours in ever-greater measure.

St. John Chrysostom tells us, “…when Lent makes its appearance, like a kind of spiritual summer, let us as soldiers burnish our weapons…and as travelers let us set out on the journey towards heaven.”

            Today, these words still offer wise advice to those of us who will begin our journey this week.  The weapons we will take with us on the journey are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  Used properly they will enable us to arrive victorious at our desired end.

            As we walk this road together, we are reminded that it is one that will not be easy.  There will be temptations along the way.  Obstacles will present themselves.  The chances to fall will be many.  But, armed with our weapons and confident in the steady hand of the Father we know that if or when we fall we will be able to rise and continue on the path to salvation.

            Let us make good use of this time given to us for our betterment.  Let none of us reach the end of these days the same as we were when we entered.  The Lord continually calls us to growth and progress in our spiritual journey and these days bring to mind the need that is in each of us to change.

            May the day of Resurrection find you renewed and spiritually refreshed and may the light that has guided you during these days continue to guide you on the road to salvation.

            With the bestowal of my archiepiscopal blessing upon you, I remain                                                           Sincerely in Christ,